There's a tool called "The Great Suspender" on Chrome Extension Store.
I wonder how effective it is, so I conducted some simple tests. Here is the result:
● Google Chrome with 50 Tabs, all freezed by "The Great Suspender".
● Extensions enabled:
○ Google Doc Offline
○ Google Dictionary
○ Session Buddy
○ The Great Suspender
● Memory usage: 600 MB (physical private bytes)
The above screenshot was from Process Explorer, where the columns were: Name, CPU, WS private, WS, PID and so on.
Note that the result was actually quite good, compared to Firefox with only 4 tabs opened:
● Firefox with 4 Tabs opened:
○ The first Tab was Google Search home page.
○ The rest were all freezed by "New Tab Suspender" (which was the most highly rated extension at the time)
● Extension enabled:
○ New Tab Suspender
● Memory usage: 605 MB
The results concluded that:
● either Chrome itself has lesser memory usage than Firefox, which seems unlikely,
● or The Great Suspender was effecient enough to beat New Tab Suspender.
If the latter is the case, then I would be happy to see better tools for Firefox coming out : )